
Showing posts from January, 2019


  I could probably write a book about the attacks on gender, toxic masculinity, #MeToo, and all that, but right now I'm just gonna scratch the surface. Gillette came out with a commercial, if you call it that, about how men need to rise up and hold each other accountable. Overall I was actually kind of impressed with it, but there were a couple things that they could have left out to make it less political. It isn't a novel idea that we are our brother's keepers. There's been a huge blowup about this commercial, and it's based more on the politics than the actual message.   The shameless #MeToo plug and "toxic masculinity" reference took the ad from being a neutral PSA to pushing an agenda, and that is a problem. I have been a victim of sexual assault and abuse, but I refuse to align myself with these movements because individuals do not define the quality of a whole. There are bad men out there, but there are also bad women. I personally know men who ha

Life Doesn't Stop

  If challenging situations do anything for me, they give me writing material. Per my last post, my Grandpa passed away recently, and today we buried him. The past 10 hours or so have been exhausting, tear-soaked, and painful. The funeral and burial were beautiful and fitting. If you have ever experienced a military funeral, you'll know what I mean when I say it was very powerful and moving. I am honored to be descended from a man who served our country for decades. Anyway, this post isn't really about today so much as what today's celebration (yes, I will call it that) points to.   Life doesn't stop. We always say how quickly life moves, whether it's in reference to an anniversary, a graduation, or a birthday. Our time on Earth is full of milestones and moments, things to celebrate and times to reflect on. The Catholic Faith is all about celebrating; if we can party, we will party. As difficult and painful as funerals are, I always find peace in them because a