Rescued and Set Free

Not gonna lie, my faith life has been pretty stagnant lately. It's probably due to a lot of things, but mostly I've just been lazy and not prioritizing correctly. Unsurprisingly, it feels like my life has been a huge crap show over the last month or so. It hasn't really, but I have felt totally out of control...almost as though I'm drowning and can't seem to get up for enough air. I've felt trapped. There are so many ways to describe what Jesus has done for us and what being a Christian defines us as. These analogies and descriptions can be more impactful depending on the person hearing them and what is going on in their life. Lately, the idea of "rescue" and being "set free" have been speaking to me. The whole idea of capture and rescue and bondage and freedom have become somewhat romanticized in culture. For example, so often in shows, books, and movies, a woman may get kidnapped or trapped in some way and the man comes to her rescue ...