Mayhem in Minneapolis

I don't really know how to even open up a post like this. Frankly, it isn't something that should need to be written but here we are. I would say to blame all of the past couple days of crazy on severe cabin fever from Corona, but we have seen scenes like this before. A person with dark skin is killed by cops or a non dark skinned person and everyone loses their minds. That is not to make light of the situation. George Floyd was killed in a violent manner by a cop. He should still be alive. I hope his soul rests in peace and that his family finds healing. But the fact that it immediately became a political stunt to further the "cops are racist, and America is racist" dialogue is incredibly sickening, because it just so happens that he was black and the cop was white. I would even argue that it is disrespectful to Mr. Floyd and his family. It cheapens his death to a statistic, his life to the color of his skin. It's another headline that will go away soon,...