
Showing posts from November, 2021

Political Pie

   The holiday season is here, which means that many of us will be attending family gatherings of some kind. With lots of people together under one roof, there will more than likely be differences of opinions, which is totally fine! The thing is, not everyone knows how to disagree well. I don't claim to be an expert in the area of debate, but there are some general rules of etiquette that everyone should probably be reminded of if you plan to discuss anything remotely controversial. Remember your relationship. At the end of the day, you're still family. Yeah, squabbles happen, but you can't escape family; they'll always be in your life. Keep it clean. A cardinal rule of debate is to keep personal jabs off the table. It's one thing to throw in a harmless joke or to tease someone, but if you want to have a productive conversation, leave hurtful comments out of it. To booze or not to booze? This is one where you really need to know yourself and your counterpart. If alc