
Showing posts from March, 2017

God First

  I know I tend to write quite a bit about my love life, but I'm not sorry! I'm passionate about it and about relationships in general, so I keep writing. I have been thinking about how those in romantic relationships, whether it be dating, engagement, or marriage, lean on each other a lot. I'm not saying that's a bad thing; in fact, that's a huge part of relationships. You need to be there for each other. What I have noticed in my own life, though, is the fact that I can't hold Jordan up every time he's down just like he can't do it for me every time. We simply aren't strong enough.   A Christian relationship consists of three entities: one man, one woman, and God. As the Bible says about these relationships, " a cord of three strands is not easily broken ."   Jordan and I are smack in the middle of the most stressful semesters either of us have had, and the strain of school, wedding planning, work, as well as the basic responsibility

21st Century Modesty

  I've had the topic of modesty on my heart for a long time now. It's an ideal that was instilled in me by my parents, and as I've grown up it's something I have taken ownership of in my life. Modesty is a threefold concept, consisting of modesty in mind, action, and body. However, for the sake of this post I would like to focus on the physical aspect of modesty, in part because it would be a very long post if I didn't and second because I believe that if you are modest in how you dress, it becomes natural to be modest in mind and action. Modesty in mind and action is what most of us know as the quality of humility.   As I've discerned writing on this topic, it has been really hard for me to get going on it. I would always get writer's block and give up after a few sentences, not really sure why because I love talking about modesty! Last night I figured it out; I intended to write it in lecture form. LOL. That isn't the point of my blog, and it certain