The Bathroom Problem
I've been thinking about this topic for a very long time, and I really can't be silent any longer because it is my duty to speak the truth, no matter the personal cost. The topic is public (community) bathrooms. Okay, so that sounds weird, but that's really the only way I can start off talking about it. More specifically, I need to talk about the issue of creating rules and laws that basically allow for anyone, that's right, anyone , to use whichever bathroom they want, regardless of biological gender. Now, you won't hear it said that way from most people because that isn't politically correct. Here's the thing: transgenderism and gender identity issues are used by sickos as an excuse to commit atrocities. It gives them a cover, and now a way to skirt around the law! It would be comical if it weren't so horrifying. I don't have an issue with individual gender neutral bathrooms. After all, they've existed for awhile (haven't you ...