The Bathroom Problem

  I've been thinking about this topic for a very long time, and I really can't be silent any longer because it is my duty to speak the truth, no matter the personal cost.

  The topic is public (community) bathrooms.

  Okay, so that sounds weird, but that's really the only way I can start off talking about it. More specifically, I need to talk about the issue of creating rules and laws that basically allow for anyone, that's right, anyone, to use whichever bathroom they want, regardless of biological gender. Now, you won't hear it said that way from most people because that isn't politically correct. Here's the thing: transgenderism and gender identity issues are used by sickos as an excuse to commit atrocities. It gives them a cover, and now a way to skirt around the law! It would be comical if it weren't so horrifying.

  I don't have an issue with individual gender neutral bathrooms. After all, they've existed for awhile (haven't you seen "family bathrooms" before? Or Port-a-Pots?? Yeah, those are gender neutral. They've got both urinals and toilets- oh, the luxury!). The problem is community gender neutral bathrooms. At this point, we may as well consolidate all bathrooms into one giant room where everyone can relieve themselves together! For that matter, who needs stalls?!?! Let's just ban gender designated bathrooms altogether. That's ludicrous, but it's where we're headed as a society.  

  Picture this. There is a man who is a pedophile, porn addict, and sex offender. Under the new rules and laws getting put into place all over the country, this person can say he's a transgender or say he's gender confused, AND GO INTO THE WOMEN'S BATHROOM! AND IT'S ACCEPTABLE!!!!!! How can you not see a problem with these new norms? A situation like I just described can (and probably will) happen.

  Obviously, nobody in their right mind wants something like that to occur. But, in the name of equality and comfort, our society has made it permissible. Apparently, the end justifies the means. I don't think so. As a woman, I find this whole issue absolutely sickening. Even before now, one of my biggest fears was to open my stall door after using the toilet to find a man in the bathroom with me, and for that man to take advantage of me. This sounds like a irrational fear, but many women have it. Now, that imagined scenario is more likely to become a reality for us. This isn't a game of make-believe anymore. This is real.

  In a world like ours, women are forced to be on our guard all of the time because of the objectification issues secular society encourages. It is a tragedy that it's almost impossible for us to feel completely safe in public, but at least we had the safety of the restrooms restricted to our own gender. There's this stereotypical (and accurate) example of a woman running into the bathroom crying with the comfort of her girlfriends around her, safe from her ex-lover or whomever barging in. Whelp. That's not a guarantee anymore. Her man could call himself trans for a few minutes just to get into the bathroom and to get to her. Okay, maybe that's a stretch, but now it's possible and permissible.

  Men, this next section is for you! Now, this applies to what men are called to by virtue of their biology, especially in regards to their duty to protect women, especially their woman. When a man and a woman get married, it becomes the husband's job to protect his wife and children, but especially his wife, with his life. To a certain extent, this applies to the role of a boyfriend and fiancé, as well. However, as a husband, you vowed to God and your wife to protect her, so the stakes are higher.

  The reason I bring that up is because now you might have to protect her in the bathroom, too! I don't mean to escort her in and out and stand outside her stall while she goes. That isn't feasible. What you will likely have to start doing, though, is more carefully watching who goes in and out of public restrooms. You might have to avoid places that allow for transgenders and the like to use whichever bathroom they want. You will have to fight the law. Your woman needs you. Women need you. Little boys and girls going into the bathroom on their own need you. The world needs godly men who will fight for the truth and stand up for what's right.

So, I guess the point I'm trying to make is that it isn't about discriminating against people who are transgender or gender confused (by the way, there is no such thing as transgenderism. You are the sex you are born as. Always and forever. Same goes for being gender confused. You're still the same gender as when you were conceived, no matter what you feel like.). This issue is about protecting everyone from the creeps who want to thwart the system. It's about trying to correct a world that is grossly wrong. It's about standing on the side of truth, even when the world is against you.

I'll close with a Bible verse that I hope will give you courage to keep fighting the good fight: "If the world hates you, remember that it hated me first." --John 15:18


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