God's Got This

As followers of Christ, one of the most difficult things we are called to do is to follow Him when the world is pulling us away from Him. As I have gotten older, Satan has been trying even harder to tear me away from my Savior and Lord. It is a constant struggle, one that I fail to overcome on my own.

I am currently battling it out with the Devil, even as I write this. He has been trying his darndest to get me to fall. He has been trying to get me to sink to the level of the world, when I am striving for the standard that the Lord has for me and all who follow Him. This battle will not be won by me. It will be won-- no, it has ALREADY BEEN won-- by Jesus! I am so very weak, but in 2nd Corinthians 12:9, the Lord says that "My grace is sufficient for you, for My power is made perfect in weakness." Isn't that a beautiful promise?!

The best part is that when God tells us something, He means it. He will always follow through.

God makes His path for us known in His timing, but sometimes when that times comes, it is hard to follow His call. It might be painful or seemingly embarrassing. There will probably be bumps and curves, and even things that jump out at you to try and make you fall. There may be tears and suffering, and you might even feel like turning back and away from God! But take courage, because He is right beside you. Jesus is there to pick you up when you fall, to brush away your tears, and to hold your hand the whole way.

Pain is temporary. Jesus' excruciating pain during His Passion and Death were only temporary, and they led to the most glorious Resurrection the world has ever known! Likewise, the pain we endure for the sake of following the Lord is only temporary, although it might not seem that way when it is happening. When we overcome the suffering with the help of Jesus, we see that it was worth it because His plans for us are simply that amazing.

Do you know why? Because God's got this.


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