
Showing posts from October, 2017

What the World Has Lost

  It has been an interesting year or so, to say the least. I mean this not so much in regards to my own life this time, but in the grand scheme of things. America has become a very volatile place. It's heartbreaking to see how much everyone is attacking everyone and their mother over any little statement or fad or perceived issue. You can't take a drink of coffee anymore without offending someone.   Everyone knows about the so-called "war on women." Don't get me wrong; I am very thankful for the women who peacefully fought to give females equal rights, and every woman should be able to reach her greatest potential without being discriminated against. But gosh, this whole agenda has turned into some monstrous attempt to bury femininity! I don't think that was the original intent, but that's what's happening. Whatever men can do, women can do better, right?   That isn't the point.   I've heard a quote that basically says that women weren


  Want to know a secret? I struggle with confidence. A lot. Blame it on the stresses of nursing school or deep seeded trust issues or just a general feeling of not being good enough, but being confident in myself and my abilities is a real problem for me. I have this facade of confidence most of the time because overall I'm a positive person....except when it comes to me.   I've been mulling over this issue for awhile, especially now that essentially all I have left in nursing school is my preceptor hours and two days of class with as many tests. Basically, the only way I can not pass nursing school is if I kill someone, break HIPAA, not adhere to rules I've been following all year, or bomb these two tests. From what I understand, it's really really hard to fail this last little chunk of nursing school. But what do I do? Start to majorly worry that I won't pass those tests and all my work will be for nothing and I won't be able to graduate and my life will be