What the World Has Lost

  It has been an interesting year or so, to say the least. I mean this not so much in regards to my own life this time, but in the grand scheme of things. America has become a very volatile place. It's heartbreaking to see how much everyone is attacking everyone and their mother over any little statement or fad or perceived issue. You can't take a drink of coffee anymore without offending someone.

  Everyone knows about the so-called "war on women." Don't get me wrong; I am very thankful for the women who peacefully fought to give females equal rights, and every woman should be able to reach her greatest potential without being discriminated against. But gosh, this whole agenda has turned into some monstrous attempt to bury femininity! I don't think that was the original intent, but that's what's happening. Whatever men can do, women can do better, right?

  That isn't the point.

  I've heard a quote that basically says that women weren't put on Earth to do everything a man can do, but everything they cannot. Word. It works both ways, though. Men and women are different! We each have different things that we are made to do better, or able to do period (birthing children, anyone??). We are equal in our worth, but we are very different and our strengths are not in the same things. That is the way we are made, fearfully and wonderfully by our Creator to be complements of each other. Not competitors. Complements. We need to respect each other and ourselves for how we're made.

  See, I don't think there is a war on women, per se. There is, however, a war on femininity and masculinity. Our very nature is being attacked.

  As humans, we are created in the image and likeness of God. God is not a sexual being; he does not have a gender. God has imprinted separately characteristics of Himself in men and women, and so we are complements of each other that together create the best possible human representation of Divine Love--in marriage.

  Let's take a really rough analogy: bread with peanut butter is great on its own. It's healthy and delicious and can bring about good to your body. Bread with jelly is also great on its own. Likewise, it is healthy and delicious, and brings about good to your body....but in a different way. Peanut butter gives you more protein, jelly gives you more vitamin C. Both very good things on their own. But they taste better together......and you get more nutrients when you eat them together. They complement each other, and you are better for it.

  The world needs masculinity and femininity in their truest forms! We need men and women to embrace the way that God created them in relation to each other and in relation to their own sex. We are quickly losing that in our society. Our current culture is all about shaming the other gender and not conforming to what society says about gender. That in and of itself is actually really confusing, because it really means in order to not conform, you have to conform to the nonconformist view. It doesn't make sense. What we actually need is the embrace of who men and women are meant to be.

  Men and women have inclinations and instinct toward certain behaviors, and our bodies are naturally disposed toward certain functions. There is more estrogen in women and more testosterone in men. Show a room full of college students a picture of a baby; you will hear the estrogen. Watch a football game with some men; the testosterone in the room will be tangible. There is an inclination toward nurturing and comfort in women and an inclination toward strength and protectiveness in men. There just is. Together, this is how the human race has been able to continue. We have so long embraced the uniqueness of the sexes and how they work together, but now that we're throwing that away our culture is deteriorating at a terrifying rate.

  If we want to be able to live our lives to the fullest, we must embrace who we are as men and women. Not how the world is trying to form us, but how God has since He said, "It is good."


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