
Showing posts from December, 2018

Day 1 Starts Today

  It’s really hard to quantify the feelings running through my body at this moment in time. Every death hits you differently, and this is no exception. Many of you know that my maternal grandpa unexpectedly passed away yesterday. He had terminal cancer originating from his lungs (PLEASE don’t smoke, people), but what killed him was a blood clot. I won’t go into detail into which hospital or the exact care he received, but let’s just say as his granddaughter and a nurse, I’m currently not a happy camper. There are so many things that I had planned to do and say, but I never got the chance to do any of them. Those are the regrets I have. So many regrets.   Many relationships go through ups and downs, and ours was no different. Unfortunately, we were in the in the middle of a slump where we’d get somewhere and then slide back down to the bottom of the dip. I know that I’ll go through the stages of grief in my own time, but as this moment I’m a total wreck. Praise Jesus for my wonderful

Year 1

  I am still in shock that Jordan and I have been married for a year already. It feels like 3 months, if that. As cliche as it sounds, marriage is everything I had ever imagined and more. It helps that I have the most amazing husband and we have an awesome support system surrounding us. We've gone through a lot in the past 12 months, both good and bad. Whenever I sum up our experiences to people, I'm usually met with wide eyes and a "wow." Not every marriage has multiple moves, new jobs, a death of a friend, a fixer upper house project, a serious accident of a sibling, many new health diagnoses, and cross country trips (among lots of other things) within the first 365 days. It has been a whirlwind, for sure! As crazy as it has been, I wouldn't have it any other way. As I write this in bed next to my love, I feel compelled to share what wisdom we have gained from this past year. 1. Marriage is worth waiting for. Every single minute. This is in regards to both sex