I Pray For You

  Let's start with a true story:

  Once upon a time, a young girl was told by her parents that she should start to pray for her future husband. They told her that if she was called to marriage, it was important that she start praying for him now because Satan hates marriage. And so, for many years the girl prayed. She prayed that her future husband would follow the Lord, that he would pursue holiness, and that their marriage would be strong and centered on God. During that time, she also started to write letters to him. She didn't know whether or not he even existed, but those letters were an act of faith that God had someone He was preparing for her. Through all of the schoolgirl crushes, loneliness, and failed relationships, she prayed.

  And then, one day, he came along. She continued to pray all through their courtship. Now, though, she had a face to the man she'd had on her heart for so long. Soon, they were happily married.  The girl, now a woman, still prays for him and for their marriage because she believes in the power of conversation with God. And those letters she wrote? The very first one was written on December 26, 2012, exactly five years to the day they entered the Sacrament of Marriage. 

  That is my story.

  I'm a firm believer that the single most important thing you can do for your spouse is to pray for them. It is so important to pray for them while you're single, while you're dating and engaged, and after you get married. The specifics will probably change slightly as you move through the different stages of relationships, and whom you are in a relationship with, but ya can't really go wrong with praying for someone's heart, health, happiness, and journey to Heaven. This is certainly not a supported practice in our society; however, some people in the public arena have been vocal about it.

  I heard a country song on the radio a few months ago that floored me. It's called "Prayed For You" by Matt Stell. I don't have a whole lot of faith in secular music delivering the Truth, but this one did a pretty good job. While not perfect, it definitely puts the thought into a person's mind that perhaps there is something to praying for someone. Maybe, just maybe, praying affects your life. 

  It certainly does! And if you believe that, why would you not pray for the person that is, or will be, the most important human in your life? I know that praying can be really difficult and that it can seem like God isn't listening sometimes, but He is. After Jordan and I got married, I found out that he had been praying for me during his single years, as well. I am certain that our prayers for each other and for our marriage have strengthened us in ways that we can't fathom in this life. Our prayers now help us to live out our vocation every day, and to overcome the challenges of embracing our sacramental marriage in a secular society. Prayer helps us align with God's will for us, which is getting both of us to Heaven to be happy with Him for all eternity. And in that endeavor, we need all the help we can get!


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