Trigger Warning

 The truth doesn't discriminate. The truth is the truth, no matter if you disagree or don't like it. Right is right and wrong is wrong.

 Truth is under attack, now more than ever. This is especially true in the Western World, particularly in America. There are some things that are true and always will be, no matter what anyone says or how anyone feels about it. 

  • The Lord is in control, always. And every single one of us is going to answer to Him when we die. Jesus Christ is the One True King.
  • Girls are girls and boys are boys.
  • Sex belongs between one man and one woman in the covenant of marriage. Sex is meant primarily for procreation, but also serves as a bonding agent between the partakers of the act.
  • Sin and evil are part of this world. Sinning is a choice, and we all sin. Thankfully, God always offers forgiveness for those who are truly repentant.
  • Every human being is made in the image and likeness of God. Every single person is deserving of love and respect.  

The truth hurts sometimes. It can be especially painful to find that you are wrong about something, and to have the courage to admit it and turn toward the truth. 

There have been some major attacks on truth lately that need to be addressed.

  • Kids are hugely affected by the presence of both their mom and their dad in their lives, but especially their dad. 
  • If someone is hell bent on killing another person, they will use whatever means they can find, laws and consequences be damned.

  • Mental illness is real, and the field of mental health is not perfect.
  • Abortion is murder. Both the mother and the baby deserve life and love.

We need to speak up and defend the truth. Our world depends on it.


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