That's All

This has been a tough week; I won't lie to you. One of our friends passed away completely unexpectedly, it was my uncle's 15 year death anniversary, and our country reached lows that no American could possibly be okay with. My Type A/mom/anxiety brain has been in overdrive, so naturally I haven't slept very well. You could say that 2021 is not off to a great start when you look at all that's been happening. It's caused me to do some real soul searching, especially the death of our friend. We shouldn't have had 2 friends our age die in as many years, but here we are. My uncle should have just celebrated his 60th birthday with us, but he's gone, too. Honestly, I'm having a hard time even writing this because I just can't pin my thoughts down. They keep ping ponging around, jumping from subject to subject. There is a common theme, though, and it's one that has been coming up even before this week. Focus on the right things. ...