
   Writing is going to be a bit more of a challenge now that I have a little person trying to type along with me! I'm going to try to be more consistent about getting new content out, though. Writing is an outlet for me, and I also view it as a type of ministry. It's a way for me to be up front and personal with y'all even if we're miles apart or we don't text each other on a regular basis. 

  My mom had me pick a word for 2021 on a word generator the other day, and oddly enough the word was "write." It's been on my heart to start writing again, but with my new job and our first holiday with Mel, I kept forgetting or putting it off. It's really easy to just plop down with my phone or watch TV instead of doing something more beneficial, and it makes me feel crappy. I guess it's a sort of New Years' resolution. I don't love the idea of "new year, new me," though. I'm not changing just because the year is now 2021, and I'm not starting from scratch. You could say I'm going to try updating.

 2020 actually wasn't a bad year for us. It's pretty hard to top the birth of your 1st child. I also got a new job, which I am enjoying very much. Our basement is pretty much finished, we traveled around the Midwest, and have spent lots of time with family. We did get Covid, which meant the 3 of us were home together for over a week without any other commitments. That was actually quite a blessing, even though we weren't feeling awesome. I did pick up some less than savory habits along the way, though...

  Covid and the election debacle has gotten me a little cynical and bitter. Those characteristics aren't normal for me, but they've really grabbed hold. I also feel like I've gotten more attached to social media, so I'm stuck in that rut again. I've also been avoiding doing things that I love, like reading and writing. 

  I definitely need an update.

  I don't have a plan as to how I'll accomplish this or a timeline for when I hope to be where I want, I just have these goals. I have to install my updates. There's no time like the new year to start. Stay tuned for more posts in the near future!           


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