Dear Future Husband

  "Dear Future Husband" by Meghan Trainor is one of the stupidest songs I have ever heard. It's basically telling guys they have to become gentlemen for the woman they love in order to get married to her when in fact they must be gentlemen in all aspects of life to all people before even considering marriage. Also, it tells women that they can demand anything of their man and it will be done. No. Marriage is a two way street, demanding sacrifice on both sides. Besides, a person cannot have 'conditions' going into marriage because that, according to Canon Law, negates the marriage. "If you want to be my one and only..." sends women the message that you can hold your man to a standard and leave him if he doesn't meet it. Once again, no. Marriage doesn't work like that.

  The last thing is that she offers 'favors' like kisses and such to her man in exchange for holding the door open and other gestures that a normal person should do without getting reimbursed. This, ladies and gentlemen, is the reason our society is going down the drain. The song initially sounds appealing to those single people such as myself, but if you listen to the lyrics, it sends a pretty upsetting message. End rant.


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