Giving it to God

  Soooooo when I started brainstorming about what to write for this post I was in the middle of a pretty rotten day and my post was essentially going to be a pity party for me. I was super tired, got up late, felt like nothing was quite right all day and finally tonight I was at a gathering of friends where I was not feeling accepted at all. It was sort of the last straw, and I was like, "God, what's the deal here? Why are these people not liking me when I've tried so hard for so long to be accepted by them?" It was rough. On my way home, I realized something that in the back of my mind I knew was the problem.

  I didn't give God my life through prayer today.

  Recently, I created a solid prayer life and my world has drastically changed since then. Whenever I don't pray, my whole day is off and I feel like everybody is against me. That's what the deal was today. I hadn't really prayed hard core the last couple days, just meal prayers and bedtime prayer. Today was the culmination of a lack of prayer, a lack of aligning myself with Our Lord.

  I'm a total country girl. I feel God the most when I'm on the farm and am one with nature. Tonight there is a meteor shower so I went out on our grain bin and just sat looking up at the sky. At the HUGE sky speckled with billions of stars, watching them shoot across the sky (just like in movies, no joke). And I prayed. I knew I would when I went out there and it was the most natural thing in the world. I spent a while venting to God, letting Him see my heart and my pain, and also praising Him for all He has done in my life and what He has made, like the earth and the stars. I almost felt silly talking to the God of the Universe about my life problems when He made the stars I saw and the sky they rest in.

  But here's the thing: God wants to know what's going on in my life and He wants to help me through it. He wants to do the same for you, too! Your problems are different than mine because we're unique, but God knows exactly how to handle all of them. He knows where our lives are headed, and His plans for our lives are so incredible! Looking up and seeing the stars in their perfect places is an incredible witness to God's power and creativity. If He can do that with balls of burning gas, HOW MUCH MORE He can do with US and our future!!! He only asks that we let Him in so He can get to work. I'm so excited to see where He leads me through my life. The only thing you and I have to do is let God handle it all and follow Him wherever He leads!


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