What Are Your Gifts Good For?

 Awhile back, my mom and I went to a workshop on charisms. Many people are unfamiliar with that term, so I'll explain! Charisms are basically gifts that God has given you that help you to serve Him and others in the best, most efficient way possible. When exercising your charisms, it gives you energy and happiness! That's the short version.

 I've been thinking about life quite a bit lately. As a young adult, I haven't quite figured out where I am supposed to be headed. The topic of charisms popped into my head today and kinda stuck. Here's my thought:

 God gave us gifts for a reason. If we recognize those gifts and follow them, our life will be headed in the direction God planned for it to go.

 I'll give an example. Personally, I know one of my charisms is writing. It's a gift that God gave to me and I love love love to do it! I love writing just to write or to get my thoughts out. I really love to help, encourage, and guide people through my writing. I've been bouncing back and forth thinking about this career or that, medical or otherwise, but nothing has really stuck. What I do know is that writing has been sticking around and there may be potential for a career there. Then again, maybe not. But as long as I continue to write, God will use it to help me along His Path for me.

 Writing is just one of many different charisms. Other charisms include knowledge, hospitality, discernment of spirits, pastoring, craftsmanship,and more. This post isn't saying that once you figure out the gifts the Lord gave you that you automatically have found your career path or even that your job and your gifts will intertwine at all. What I am saying is that it would be wise to pay attention to the things in your life that bring you joy and happiness. Things that you're good at or people tell you you're good at. When those things bring good into your life and they also bring glory to God and help to serve others, those are gifts, charisms! Your charisms!

 The next step is to allow yourself to let Jesus use your gifts to keep you on the straight and narrow path. He gave you your charisms for a reason! Christ wants you to use them to help yourself and others follow Him. That's all that matters in this life, anyway. The only thing that matters is getting to Heaven. If you keep the end goal in mind, everything else falls into place.


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