It's Okay To Feel Broken

  This is a post I wish I didn't have a need to write. Unfortunately, due to the fallen nature of being human, death is something we will all have to deal with in our lifetimes. This may be the death of a friend, family member, spouse, acquaintance, or even a well known celebrity or political figure. In some capacity, death will find its way into all of our lives and affect us in ways we never knew possible.

  Yesterday, our community was reminded of the fragility of life when a teenage boy who was loved by everyone who knew him was killed in a car accident. It was a shock. As I write this, it's still a shock. It's pain. It's confusion. A sudden, tragic death is not something that we are meant to handle. The Lord does not want this for us at all! Death is not something that is of God. Neither is pain. Humans are created to love and to be happy, serving God in every way possible. How is death part of the picture??

  As humans, we are broken. It's not something that we can change. But God can.

  The Lord certainly does not want us to experience pain or suffering. He definitely doesn't want us to have anything to do with the pain and sorrow that death brings. However, He loves us so very much that He meets us in the midst of it all and holds us. Helps us. Heals us.

  I have no answers as to why a teenager who had so much life and laughter left to share was taken away yesterday. Tragedies like this never have an earthly answer. It often leaves us confused, angry, and hopeless. Understandably so! It's okay to feel this way! As I said, we aren't meant for this. The Lord doesn't want this for us. The only thing I know in times like this is that He is going to be there with us every step of the way. Jesus is crying with us, He's holding us up when we can't stand alone anymore. He's comforting us.

  Do you know how you can see this? It's through those around you.

  Surround yourself with others who understand the pain you're going through and are hurting with you. Jesus is in all of us, and by His Grace we are able to be healed through the grief we experience together. No person is meant to suffer alone. Reach out! You will be surprised at how we come together and are there for each other in a time such as this. It's okay to be broken, it's okay to cry, scream, and throw things when you're grieving. Be broken together. It is always best to be surrounded with love.

  I will leave you with part of a song. It gives me hope and peace during this difficult time:

In the eye of the storm
You remain in control.
In the middle of the war
You guard my soul.
You alone are the Anchor
when my sails are torn.
Your love surrounds me
in the eye of the storm.

("Eye of the Storm" -Ryan Stevenson)


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