The "S Word"

Our world is obsessed with sex. It seems pretty obvious given that the majority of movies or shows have sex scenes in them, or at least allude to hanky panky going on when the camera isn't watching. You don't even have to look hard. It's like the people on floats in parades throwing out candy by the handful. Sex, SEX, SEX. 

  It's particularly interesting to me because the way intimacy is portrayed from the perspective of secularism isn't even accurate. What do I know, though, right? I'm almost 20 and still a virgin. My fiance is 23 and likewise has not bedded anyone. Sex is a bad word, isn't it?! I couldn't possibly know anything about passion or love since we haven't slept together yet. I'm still so naive compared to those sleeping or living with their significant others or hooking up after a few drinks. Right?


  Being a college student, I'm constantly surrounded by people who see sleeping with someone to whom you are not married as an ordinary action. It's no big deal to most teens and young adults. And I'm constantly being enlightened about the how to and lots of other details that I don't need to know.  I'll be doing homework and suddenly I get bombarded with lessons of positions or get called names like the Virgin Mary* because I haven't had sex yet.

  All that talk is so loud! There are so many voices, and we also hear it on the radio and on our screens. We even read about it in books. The saddest part of it all is that it paints an inaccurate picture of what sex is. When you ask the world about the purpose of sex, the noise falls silent. There's nothing for society to say that holds water. Eventually, everyone wants more to the answer than pleasure. Sex is made for more than just a good time.

  Contraception is a wildly successful industry, but so is the business of porn and human trafficking. Rape and sexual assault are rampant across college campuses. Small wonder, all five revolve around the desire for pleasure. Our culture has so saturated itself with having a good time that the byproducts are devastating us from the inside out.

  We're missing the point. Sex isn't just about what you can get out of it. If you apply that to any scenario, someone gets hurt. But when you bring it into sex, rape culture emerges.

  Sex isn't just about pleasure. That's only part of the equation. Total self-giving of one spouse to another, pledging their lives to each other is one of the three intricate parts of human sexuality. It's an indispensable part of it. Likewise, procreation cannot be separated from the purpose of sex. Essentially, sex in its truest form is a husband and wife loving each other intimately, and by expressing that love through the connection of their bodies and hearts, another human being is created. Throughout this expression, pleasure is also experienced.

  That's what sex is.

  God created sex to be this way. He even created it to be pleasurable! But just like a car isn't going to work very well driving through a foot of standing water as compared to a clear road on a dry, sunny day, sex isn't going to work the way it's meant to when done outside of marriage. It just won't. Something will be missing. Songs and movies don't talk about that. Eventually, those who listened to Jason Derulo or Anastasia Steele and Christian Grey will be looking for what sex is really meant to be.

  The world sells sex everywhere you look, but it sells it far short of its worth and purpose. 

*Disclaimer: Joke's on them because by calling me that, they compared me to the greatest woman of all time! It's not a jab,it's an honor.*


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