
  I don't think I ever fully realized until yesterday how much I appreciate that Jordan and I share our Catholic Faith. Ever since we started our relationship, faith has been central so it isn't that I never noticed the importance or didn't appreciate it; believe me, I am beyond thankful for it! But Jordan said something yesterday that was very simple but it spoke straight into my heart.

  We were sitting in his truck when he said, "Tomorrow is Transfiguration Sunday!"

  Yep. That's it. All he did was mention that today is a major feast in the Church. It sounds like a really simple exchange, but it made me realize just how important sharing our Faith is. One could say it transfigured my outlook on the subject.

  I have always felt like a nut or a nerd because I love my faith and know a fair amount about it. Nobody in high school shared my excitement when an awesome saint's feast day would come up, very few made the effort to go to Mass on Holy Days, and the idea that I knew the definitions of words like transubstantiation or incorrupt was just crazy. I didn't care very much about what people thought, though. Not really...I just wasn't sure if I would ever find someone that shared this love that I have for the Church.

  But then Jordan came along. I knew he had to dig his faith at least a little bit since we met at a youth ministers meeting, but then we start pursuing a relationship together and I find out he actually loves his faith and the Lord! We love going to Mass, Adoration, and Confession together, and worshiping God through music and praying together. Those things are amazing, but a real show of faith is in the small things, too.

  There is something unspeakably comforting about the person you're choosing to spend your life with being comfortable with their faith flowing freely from their mouth and from their heart. Something as simple as knowing when a feast day (and being excited about it) proves investment and interest in the Church; it isn't just a show or a badge. Faith isn't always about big things. Yes, the Sacraments are of utmost importance, but faith needs to be woven into every part of you. Sharing this with Jordan is such a source of comfort and love for me. Waiting for him and what we have was worth every minute.

  In marriage, you have the responsibility of leading your spouse and whatever children you may have together to Heaven. Faith is shared through a mutual love of God and His Church. It isn't just going to Mass on Sundays. It's being aware, embracing, and loving the rich traditions of the Church together. It's diving into His Word together. It's sharing your individual faith with each other to lift one another up and become a stronger couple all the time.

 Faith/religion is going to be either a source of strife in a marriage or it's going to be a source of strength. Whatever the case in your relationship, rely on the Lord always and allow Him to transfigure your life!


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