So Fast

  If there's one thing that I've learned during our engagement, it's that life flies by way more quickly than we realize. We thought that our 14 and a half month engagement would drag on forever and ever, and in some ways it felt that way, but for the most part it has gone by super quickly! All of the sudden we are less than 3 months away from our wedding and we're bustling around putting final details in place. I think that in general we look at life like it will last forever, but it flies by before our eyes and suddenly the things we've been looking toward are here and gone.

  There have been so many instances in my life lately that have caused me to reflect on the (fruit of the) virtue of patience and working to take the time to slow down. Obviously, being engaged is a big proponent of that. This part of my vocation is only a short amount of time in the grand scheme of things, and it is a very unique and special time. It is absolutely one of the most special times in my life, preparing for the Sacrament of marriage with my best friend. Amongst the hustle and bustle of wedding planning and marriage prep, I've had to keep reminding myself that this time is going by quickly. In a few months I will be moving out of the only home I have ever known to start a new life with my beloved. As excited as I am, it is bittersweet knowing that I will be leaving my family to start my own. With that as a reminder, I am soaking up the small things like eating a snack with my siblings, going outside to talk to my dad, or sitting in the kitchen hanging out with my mom. All these little things I should have constantly been taking stock of throughout my life, I am remembering to now because life goes by so fast and every season of it lasts only a short time.

  In December, I will be graduating from nursing school. It's just hitting me that come early next year I will be out in the workforce and no longer a full time student. I won't have summer or winter break anymore. I won't be constantly going to class or studying for tests. All I've ever known is school, and it is rather frightening to think about how my life is going to change in that way. I never realized how much I took for granted the discounts and breaks and freedom that being a student offers me. In high school, it felt like ages of schooling stood between me and being a worthwhile adult member of society. Now it's nearly here, and I'm scrambling to slow down and enjoy my last weeks of class and 'studenthood'.

  I've always felt the presence of the Lord most clearly through nature, but with all the business of things this year I feel like I haven't been able to connect with Him as much as I would like. But! I have a time of redemption to make up for it coming right up!

  Harvest is here.

  Yesterday, I chose to spend time with my family picking apples- a wonderful, stereotypical fall activity. As I was up on the tractor lift, I was struck by the beauty of God's creation. He made a tree that produces thousands of beautiful apples for us to enjoy. It is really simple, but was such a good reminder that God is always waiting to connect with us.

  It is my last harvest as a single woman living on our farm. I am very aware of this fact, and it will be very bittersweet. But I will not let it slip by. I am determined to follow God's gentle whisper in enjoying this wonderful time of the year. I will enjoy every canning or baking session, every walk next to the browning fields, every time I put on my sweatshirt and boots, and every ride in the tractor or combine.

  I am going to slow down because life is so fast.


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