Dare to Wonder. Live in Awe.

  I just watched Enchanted. That movie is fabulous. I've noticed that kid movies have a lot more meaning when you view them as an adult, and this film was no different. Giselle, the protagonist, gets thrust into our culture after living in a world of fairy tales. Because she is not accustomed to the Western world, everything she sees fills her with a sense of awe and wonder. My favorite part is how she views marriage.

  Marriage is forever, and married love is wonderful and awesome. Boom.

  The world hadn't hit her yet. She saw everything with childlike innocence, especially the Sacrament. Giselle showed how children and those who refuse to let sin keep them down see marriage. It is ordained by God. She saw that everything was good, or at the very least had good in it or could be used for good. It was the buildings, the people singing, the animals, a woman's eyes! This was rather off-putting for the other characters at first, but Giselle doesn't let anyone convince her that her view is wrong or allow their words to taint the way she sees everything around her, no matter how hard they try. She is filled with the childlike love and joy that the Lord wants for all of us! And of course, her wonder is contagious and it spills over to everyone around her and they all live happily ever after...

  We might not come from a fairy tale land where everything is hunky-dory all the livelong day, but we are created to be in the most perfect place with God when He calls us to join Him. Until then, He has gifted us an infinite amount of things to find wonderful and awesome in the world we do live in.

  I've always loved science. I think it is one of the most obvious places to find God. Especially the human body. Only He could put something as intricate as a person together that is cohesively a unit down to the atom! We will never learn everything about us as a species or us as a person, which captures our thoughts and imaginations. Ultimately, it points us toward Someone greater that we can only wonder about being with until we are on the other side of life.

  Taking a child to a new place that they can explore is such a rewarding experience. It is so much fun to see their eyes widen and let them take off running as they find things that capture their attention. The energy and openness they have is there for us, too! God wants that for us. He is full of surprises and gifts He's just waiting to give us if we only seek Him out. All that He has given us is good, especially our lives. He wants us to continually be wondering, to be in awe.

  So go watch the sun rise and set. Enjoy the colors! Write your name and marvel at how your hand works with your brain to come up with a sequence of letters in your unique writing style. Rest in the fact that God created one fearfully and wonderfully made you! Dare to wonder. Live in awe. Take comfort in God's unending love.


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