The Holiday Challenge

  The holidays are quickly approaching! I'm not quite sure what happened to 2018, but it has definitely been a fast paced year. Thanksgiving is just a couple weeks away and Christmas is hot on its heels. It is so easy to get caught up in the to dos of the season. There are people to see, gifts to buy, decorations to put up, places to go, yards and houses to prep for winter, and all of that is on top of the busyness that consumes our day to day lives! Sometimes, though, it seems like the buildup to this time of year overshadows what we're actually supposed to celebrate.

  I count myself among the guilty when it comes to piling my plate too full, both when it comes to the holiday foods and my schedule. Sometimes I look back on my week and feel that I accomplished nothing of value even though I was busy every single day. If I'm being honest with myself, though, my time is often consumed with social media and needless stresses. I feel this now more than ever as my schedule fills with holiday get togethers and events. There has to be a way to get everything taken care of while still enjoying the most wonderful time of the year to the fullest.

  Here are a few challenges for you to help more fully enjoy this special time, along with everything and everyone around you:

  • Give each holiday its own time. Seriously! I was in the grocery store on Halloween and they were putting up Christmas decorations. ON HALLOWEEN. I think it is very important to enjoy each holiday on its own and embrace what makes it unique from the others. There is a reason there isn't one big holiday called Hallowchristmagiving.
  • Take a break from social media. I know, I know. That is very difficult sometimes, especially when there is so much going on. My challenge specifically is to take lots of pictures, but not post them. Someday you'll look back on these times and you won't remember somebody's perfect hashtag or post on Instagram. You'll remember burning the turkey and running to KFC. You'll remember helping your kids decorate Christmas cookies for the first time. You'll remember slow dancing with your spouse with festive lights setting the stage. These memories aren't for the world to see. They're for you and your loved ones to treasure and ponder in your heart the way Mary did with Jesus' experiences. Relish in these moments! You only have one chance; don't waste them buried in your phone. Say goodbye to Facebook until January! You'll be surprised how much time you actually have.
  • Slow down. The most beautiful snow fell yesterday, and my brother, dad, and grandpa were outside working on harvest. I was watching the rest of the kids, so my youngest brother and I made hot chocolate and brought it out to them. It was a way to enjoy the ill-timed precipitation that happens during Midwest falls and to let our guys know that we appreciate them. I will forever cherish the memory of my favorite little helper walking with me in the lightly falling snow, breathing in the fresh farm air. There are so many opportunities that are just waiting to be taken and formed into beautiful memories. We just have to choose to look around and see them.
  • Give yourself time. This is the most wonderful time of the year, but it is also the busiest. Make sure you don't let yourself drown in the preparation and excitement. Snuggle up in a blanket and watch a movie while drinking coffee. Take a nap! Call your mom, dad, and your long distance bestie just to talk. Immerse yourself in a football game. Read a book. You'll be so much more relaxed and able to fully enjoy the festivities.
  • Remember the One who gave us all of this in the first place. We wouldn't have anything to celebrate if it weren't for the Lord. Make sure He takes center stage this season.

I plan to hold myself to these challenges, as well. I am so excited for you all to enjoy a rejuvenated holiday season. Blessings!


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