Married Ministry

  Jordan and I just celebrated our 2 year wedding anniversary. In some ways it feels like we've been married forever because of all we have walked through together, and in other ways it feels like we've only been married a short while because it has just been so wonderful! We are finally expecting our first child, so that has been a big milestone this year. Jordan left the business of paid ministry, which has also been quite a change for both of us. It had been years where either of us was not in active church ministry, but that doesn't mean God is finished with us. Not even close.

  Today has been one of those days where Jordan and I have been apart by choice. In that regard, I just mean it hasn't really been due to prior commitments like work or appointments. Things have just come up where we are not together. In a perfect world, we'd be able to do everything together. But we aren't in a perfect world, and that's okay. It has given me a lot of time to sleep, but also to reflect on our marriage. What really took a front seat in my mind is how marriage shapes our ministry.

  For much of our early relationship, our ministry involved youth group and similar functions; that's how we met, after all. It was a beautiful season where Jordan was at the helm and I was at his side. After years in occupational ministry, God called Jordan elsewhere. At least that's what we thought.

  I have been a nurse for a couple years now, and I feel that it is the most fitting form of ministry for me as a job. Now that I'm a mother, it's shifting to a more domestic approach that I've had on my heart for my entire life. Jordan's new job actually has him working in the burial process which has lent him a new way to minister... to our sleeping brothers and sisters.

  Where does marriage fit into all of this? Well, besides the fact that our primary goal is to get each other to Heaven, it is also supporting each other in being Jesus to others besides ourselves. There are times that Jordan and I find ourselves in a situation where we can minister side by side, but generally one of us is at the front line and the other one is quietly supporting and encouraging in the background. There are days where we could just be together at home, but something comes up where a friend or family member needs us. A marriage with God at the center means that we are willing to sacrifice what we want for the good of another person, even when it isn't our spouse. That might mean letting Jordan be on the phone for a half hour talking to a teen in need of direction or letting me have control of the house so that a friend can come over for a heart to heart. It also means listening to your spouse talk about the struggles of being holy on the job when you want to watch a movie with them.

  The other side of that is seeking God together within your marriage. Ministering to each other, praying and going to church together, having a servant heart, communicating. The past few months have been very challenging for me because I have been so sick from being pregnant. Jordan has shown limitless patience and love to me through all of it, and I see so much of Jesus in him. It makes me want to be a better person, as it should be.

  Marriage isn't smooth sailing all the time, but it also shouldn't be World War 2. It requires patience, communication, understanding, forgiveness, love, and a whole lot of grace. When you have two unique people coming together as one, there are challenges. But when you have a marriage after God's heart, there is nothing you can't get through.  Being married is the most wonderful adventure. It challenges us and sanctifies us. That's what all of the most rewarding experiences do.


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