January 22, 1973

  Today is a very important day in US history. It is the anniversary of the US Supreme Court's biggest mistake. Today marks 47 years that our country has allowed abortion to be legal. Today, we remember the over 50 million babies that have lost their lives.

  Today is a day that lives in infamy.

  Why does that matter? Why be so passionate about something that restricts "a woman's right to choose?" Why mourn the lives of beings whom nobody ever even met? Why stand outside of a Planned Parenthood or the US Capitol building in the freezing cold to pray or silently hold a sign?

  Because every life matters. That's why.

  Abortion is the greatest evil of our time. To claim that amongst all of the other bad things we are surrounded by may seem like quite a jump, but it isn't. There is no other evil that so systemically destroys the most innocent of all God's creation the way abortion does. There is no other evil that lies and exploits the vulnerable the way abortion does.

  If we don't fight this with everything we have, we have not done our job as Christians. In fact, we haven't done our job as humans. People create and donate to GoFundMe's for endangered animals or for mission trips all the time, but it's like pulling teeth to support a crisis pregnancy center or spending a half hour praying outside of Planned Parenthood. If there is one cause to get behind, it's the cause for the protection of life. If we don't have that, we have nothing as a civilization. We are nothing as a country if we do not have a culture of life.

  I'll be writing another more detailed post later, but tonight, on the anniversary of Roe vs Wade, think about what this say means. Pray for those affected by this decision. Pray for the souls of those babies, and for the mothers and fathers who have been wounded by the horror that is abortion.


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