I Still Believe...

  Jordan and I ventured out with our little miracle into the snow this morning to see the movie "I Still Believe." There were all of 10 people in the theater so I'm not concerned about getting sick. For those who don't know, "I Still Believe" is a movie about Jeremy Camp and his first wife's love story, how he became so well known, and how God worked through it all. Jordan and I have always loved Jeremy Camp, so when I heard the movie was coming out we made plans to see it. We both enjoyed it, and of course I cried. I would have even if I wasn't pregnant. I would say that it may not be nearly as enjoyable to a person who doesn't care for Jeremy Camp, though. Then again, it may be more powerful; I don't know. Either way, I would recommend seeing it. The most striking undertone, in my opinion, was how well they portrayed them living out their marital vows. Jeremy truly laid his life down for his wife, Melissa. It was beautiful. Marriage in it's most pure form is being Christ to your spouse, and that was what he did.

  Many of you may not be aware of this, but I have a tattoo. It's on my left ankle, and it's the words " I still believe." The "i" in "believe" is a semicolon. When I was discerning getting a tattoo, I wanted to make sure it had a lot of meaning. I wanted it to always remind me of something whenever I would look at it. I never want to look down at my ankle and think of it as an impulsive mistake, and I don't think I ever will. Let me tell you about it.

  First of all, "I Still Believe" is Jeremy Camp's song that I have always enjoyed. When Jordan and I were dating, he would play it often. When we got married and discovered that becoming pregnant was difficult for us, it sort of became an anthem for me. The words to the song really resonated with me. It helped to remind me that if things don't work out the way I want, if we weren't able to conceive a child of our own, if my life looks totally different from the way I had imagined, it will all be okay. God is still in control and His plan is so much better than what I could ever think up on my own.

  I've mentioned in previous posts that I have struggled with mental health problems including anxiety and depression. I also have many friends and family members who have similar struggles. That's the reason I chose to incorporate a semicolon, since it has become a symbol of solidarity and support for those facing battles within themselves.

  Watching the movie was a welcome reminder of all the things I've gone through in my short time on Earth. It was particularly emotional to be sitting in a dark theater with the love of my life, carrying the child we created together. The little girl we weren't sure we would be blessed with. Our challenges in this world are far from over, though. Until we see God face to face, I'm grateful to have the soul stirring melody of "I Still Believe" to remind me of the faithfulness of our Lord.

Trailer for "I Still Believe": https://youtu.be/YnxHyBbYwQQ
Music Video for "I Still Believe": https://youtu.be/5FMmxKM5Wj0


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