How to Survive the Corona-pocalypse

 **This article is purely opinion, NOT medical advice. Please see the CDC website or contact your health care provider for any questions or concerns.**  

With cases of the coronavirus, (COVID-19 for short) now in South Dakota, I figured I would write up a little something to help everyone survive the outbreak. While the COVID-19 situation is certainly serious, it isn't nearly what the media is making it out to be.

   Social distancing may seem like overkill, but it is a very good idea. The whole goal is to slow the spread of the infection in order to keep our hospitals from hitting capacity. 

"If you are experiencing COVID-19 symptoms:
  • Fever over 100? Cough? Shortness of breath? [Sore throat?]
  • Have you been to South Korea, Japan, China, Italy, or Iran, or been exposed to someone with COVID-19?
Call your facility before entering. Do not visit family in a health care facility while sick." 
      -"Message for the General Public: Call Ahead with COVID-19 Symptoms or Exposure"

  If you have more specific questions or concerns, visit the CDC website. I would caution you to be careful about how far you look into it, though. It is really easy to go down a rabbit hole and totally freak yourself out. Use common sense.

  I went to Costco yesterday, and nearly every shopper there looked like they were preparing for a nuclear disaster. They had flats of water bottles, cases of toilet paper and paper towels, and cans upon cans of disinfecting spray. My understanding is this is people stocking up for a potential quarantine. Of course if you do end up stuck in your house for 2 weeks you don't want to run out of things, but it's not like you need 10 cans of Lysol. Two or three will be sufficient. Water is essential, obviously, but it's much more eco-friendly to just get a Brita or some other kind of filtered water pitcher. It takes up way less space, anyway. And holy cow, unless you have a GI system from Hell or a large family I don't think multiple 64 packs of TP is necessary. The coronavirus is respiratory, after all!

  Honestly, my hope is that the COVID-19 outbreak will instill in everyone the proper habits we should all have been practicing to begin with. Here are some things that every person should be doing on a regular basis:

  • Wash your hands! The traditional soap and water routine is the best practice, but if you only have access to hand sanitizer please at least use that.
  • Keep your fingernails trimmed and clean. Lots of germs lurk under there. Don't give them a place to hide.
  • Sneeze and cough under your collar, or at least cover with your elbow. Wash your hands afterward.
  • Wash your hands after you use the bathroom. Seriously. Gross.
  • If you are not feeling well, stay home. Don't go near people who are susceptible (the elderly, babies, pregnant women, cancer patients, those with a suppressed immune system...)
  • Wash your hands as soon as you get home after being anywhere. Don't let any germs settle in.
  • Keep yourself clean. Bathe regularly.
  • Eat healthy. Fruits and veggies will help your body fight against infections. Multivitamins aren't a bad idea, either.
  • Get good sleep. You can't fight sickness if you're not well rested.
  • Did I mention wash your hands?
  Actually, though, just use your common sense and be safe rather than sorry. If you are sick, stay home. Don't go looking for the virus. And pandemics aside, keep more than one roll of toilet paper in your house at all times.


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