Remember the Fallen

  This will probably offend some have been warned.

  The USA is the greatest country in the world; that is a fact, not an opinion. Obviously we haven't always done everything perfectly, but out of every country that is or was we are by far the best. We are incredibly blessed to live here, and Memorial Day is the solemn holiday where we remember that the freedom we enjoy comes at a price. 

  Many people don't realize that Memorial Day is technically reserved for remembering military service members who died while serving.  Current military members and military veterans each have their own day where they are honored (Armed Forces Day and Veteran's Day, respectively). Don't get me wrong, obviously those who serve and have served deserve our respect every day of the year. Memorial Day is different, though. In fact, it's my understanding that many of people who were/are in the military prefer to not be recognized today because they have personally experienced the loss of a comrade in arms. Today is sacred, somber.

  Both of my grandfathers served, my husband's family is saturated with service men and women (including my MIL), and I have many friends who are military members. I am proud of and thankful for each one of them. Praise God that they aren't part of the fallen who are remembered today. But some of them had to come home without friends. They have had to see widows and bereaved parents receive a casket and flag rather than the welcome home embrace. That is what we remember today.

  Those in the military understand that America, and all of us in it, are worth dying for. Most of us aren't brave enough to actually do anything about it, though. But they are. The majority of our population doesn't have what it takes to leave our families knowing that we might not come back, defending the rights of people we don't know. But they are. There have been too many brave men and women who left to fight for us and never came back. Too many families with gaping holes in their hearts. But they are the reason we're free. Their sacrifice is what allows us to have differing opinions and the freedom to live how we choose.  

  When you go to bed in the safety of your home, remember that you can do so because people died for you. When you post some disrespectful horse crap on the internet about how bad you think our country is, remember that someone died for your right to do so. When you go to your church on Sunday, or get to choose which doctor's office to visit, or when you stand in line to vote, remember that someone died so you could be free to do all of those things.

  So say a prayer for our military members, for the souls of those who died for us. For the family and friends left behind. They deserve that at least, because we owe them everything.


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