Sticks and Stones

  We've all heard the saying, "sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me." And most of us have learned by now that, most often, that's not the case. I think females are especially prone to this type of hurt because we are such deep feelers. This is a beautiful aspect of feminine nature, but it can make us particularly vulnerable not only to pain but to sin, as well.

  Growing up, the friends I trusted the most were male. I gravitated toward them because there seemed to be significantly less drama in that arena compared to groups of girls my age. But we all need true friends of our same gender, so I also hung around girls. However, I really want to draw attention to the fact that it is extremely important to have same sex friends that we can share our hearts with, because women can never really understand the life of a man, and vice versa. Jordan knows me better than anyone, but he doesn't understand what challenges and joys arise from womanhood just like I don't understand the hardships and triumphs of manhood. Thankfully, we are both very blessed to have found wonderful, holy people to walk the road of friendship with.

  Anyway, I want to talk about women and words.

  Ladies! Be mindful of what you say!

  I know how easy it can be to let words fly off your tongue in a moment of anger or excitement. Trust me, I have been so guilty of saying things I don't really mean. It takes a big bite of humble pie to walk back what you said in order to try to mend hurt or confusion. That is where the fruit of the Spirit called self-control comes in really handy. This is one I hope to continually grow in. The human part of me practices self-control because I don't want to say or do something that would come back to haunt me later. This thought process isn't necessarily bad, but if we're striving for holiness we need to take a different approach. Here is the real question we should be asking ourselves, the true goal we should strive for: is what I am doing or saying pleasing and honoring God? That should be our goal, but doing or not doing something simply because it is the right thing to do is a good start!

  One quote that is always in the back of my mind goes along the lines of, "if they gossip to you, they will gossip about you." I know how satisfying it can be to hear some juicy details about the party last weekend or what crazy things your old classmates are doing, or venting just a bit too much to someone about your coworker. I've usually found that it leaves me feeling pretty cruddy afterward, though. I have also had that quote lived out on me. It sucks when you find out you're being trashed behind your back, but it also makes you think about the times you may have done the same thing.

  It's tough to be a woman. Our media and entertainment portray an enticing world of cattiness and cutthroat interchanges, but none of that is necessary! We don't have to live that way. Ladies, we are made for more.

  We are made for holiness. We are called to lift each other up, to be loving, respectful, and understanding of one another, no matter how difficult that may be. This is my challenge to you and to myself. I want to be the kind of person that if someone is saying untrue things to others about me, nobody would believe it. I want to be the person that others are grateful to have as a friend. I don't ever want to be the person who hurts someone with my words. Instead, I want my words to bring joy and healing. If we all do that just a little bit more often, our world will be a much happier place.


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