A Woman and Proud of It

  It was recently International Women's Day. What even is that?! I think it's kind of silly to have all these days celebrating random things (I saw where there is also a National Give a Girl Your Sweatshirt Day. What?), but at the same time, I also think that it is very important to celebrate womanhood. Turns out that IWD is actually meant to celebrate women and how much we have accomplished, especially in the socioeconomic spheres. That's great, but personally, I want to celebrate it differently. So I did!

  I celebrate being a woman as God created me, as He created all women.

  I celebrate the fact that God created women distinctly different from men every day! The Lord chose the woman to be His last creation, the crown jewel on Earth. That is so legit. It's also an honor. Upholding the honor of being God's highest earthly creation is a great responsibility. As, women, we are created specifically for things that only we can do (sorry guys)! We have the ability to bear children, to be mothers! We have what Pope Saint John Paul II called "the feminine genius". For more on this, please visit http://prolife365.com/the-feminine-genius/ ! Women are essentially already on the road to sainthood simply by virtue of being a woman! That is quite amazing if you think about it.

 Women are awesome! We are different from men in many ways, but that's okay. We're supposed  to be different from men; why should we be like them, anyway?! Womanhood is a gift that I want to treasure and to celebrate!


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