What Are Problems Worth, Anyway?

  God is the single thing that keeps me sane. He is what allows me to get up in the morning, sleep at night, and keep my head up in times of trouble and in normalcy.

  Life has been throwing quite a few curveballs lately, with work, school, and my personal life. It is EXHAUSTING! Seriously. Some days I want to just stay in bed. But then I remember that life keeps going whether I want it to or not, so I get my butt up and about. And no matter what happens in my day, good or bad, God uses those hours to show me how blessed I am by His Graces. The Lord has blessed me by the fact that I am alive!

  I never regret living. Never.

  I've been thinking about this a lot lately, mostly because I feel like my life is a small disaster (in fact, it is not; I realize that lots of people have it worse than I do.) You see, I have fallen victim, like so many people, to the feeling of wallowing in self-pity and thinking that my issues are the most important thing in my life.

  The problem with feeling like this is that the issues and problems you are dealing with now will fade. They really will! It's both a problem and a blessing, actually. God allows us to move from one stage of life to the next by His Power, and by His Power only. The challenges I'm facing right now will leave my life; I don't know when they will, but in God's Timing, they will be gone. Isn't that great!?

  Nowadays, we really give too much power to our problems. Think about it. The Devil tries to take minor issues and blow them up so that we get so caught up in our problems that we forget to reach out to God! Satan wants to get us away from Our Lord and become self-absorbed. When that happens, our gods become ourselves. We become enslaved to our emotions, our problems.

  However, when we have faith in Jesus, our problems become insignificant in light of the fact that He is holding our life in His Hands.

  God can handle our problems so much better than we can! Do you realize how great a God we serve?! He offers to take our problems away from us so that we can enjoy the blessing of life! Nobody on Earth can give that to you. Not your parents, not your friends, not your spouse. Only God.

  When you keep your faith in Jesus, the issues in your life start to shrink. How can they not, when you're comparing a spat between you and your best friend to the Lord of the Universe's love for you? There isn't even a contest. God wins every time.


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