It's More Than That

  That's what I always explain to people when discussing cycle charting. It's more than just trying to avoid or achieve a pregnancy. It's way more than that, and to sell it short is a disservice to women.

  What is charting, exactly? Basically, it's a way of keeping track of your menstrual cycle by noticing the signs your body gives you throughout your cycle. It's quite amazing how God created our bodies to keep us in the know; if only we listened to it more. I think most women subconsciously notice changes that happen to their bodies as it moves through each month, but don't actually file it away to look back on. I mean, let's be real here, sex ed and the puberty talk in school never discussed that sort of thing. All we heard is "you're gonna bleed for a week straight" and "your body is going to be changing." Nobody talks about what happens after puberty is over, when these kids grow up. It's no wonder why so many people are confused when they find themselves having debilitating periods or being constantly surprised to find they have an infection down there, again. And there's always the whole topic of unexpected pregnancies, tragic miscarriages, and heartbreaking infertility.

  I wish we had been taught to pay attention to our bodies from the beginning.

  All of the things I mentioned in the last paragraph can be explained if we look at the signs given throughout our cycles. My own health is a testimony of that. I've been keeping track of my cycle since I was in early high school. Doing so has helped my health care team to discover that I have multiple hormone deficiencies, and to help manage the excruciating pain of my periods without resorting to birth control or IVF. Charting aids both the woman and her health care provider to be able to uniquely and more accurately treat any underlying issues that may be ailing her.

  There are many types of tracking methods, ranging from apps to colored stickers to taking your temperature. For those of you who are curious and have never done this before, start simple! For years, I just used a plain calendar and wrote down my physical and emotional signs that my body was giving me. You can do that, too! Use your calendar in your phone, or keep one in the drawer in your bathroom. Over time, you will be able to better predict how you will be feeling at certain times of the month and more accurately prepare for your period. This even works for those of you who have irregular cycles. Even in the irregularities there is a pattern.

  I've been told that this is too much responsibility for young girls, or even women in general, and I completely disagree. We all know when we're coming down with an illness or need sleep based on how our body is. We notice changes or a lack thereof, and the majority of us are glued to our phones. It takes 10 seconds to jot down a quick note in your phone after going to the bathroom or at the end of the night to write down your observations. It takes less personal discipline to to that than it does to maintain a regular workout schedule. I promise it isn't hard. Your body will thank you for listening to it.

  One of the better known names given to the action of tracking a cycle is NFP, or Natural Family Planning. It is more commonly used for the purpose of avoiding or achieving a pregnancy, but those are by no means the only reasons to pay attention to your body. However, let's focus on that aspect for a moment.

  Using NFP to get pregnant, or to not get pregnant, is a more holistic and natural approach to childbearing and procreation. Rather than using artificial hormones, you and your spouse pay attention to when pregnancy can occur (as that is a small window in a cycle) and go from there. Paying attention to bodily signs and symptoms can also help diagnose root causes of medical problems ranging from PCOS to simple hormone imbalances. Once these issues are properly treated, a couple can move forward with a more personalized and accurate approach to getting pregnant or for spacing out children.

  I won't say that doing this is all sunshine and rainbows. It's not. It's a lot more than that. It allows us, through our bodies, to reach our greatest potential. It can be a roller coaster at times, but when it comes to health, it's never a walk in the park.

  I am no professional, but I am more than happy to give lessons in cycle tracking 101 for anyone who is new to this or is even just curious! Don't knock it till you've tried it.


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